Multi-sensor data fusion techniques for Engine health monitoring
An aircraft engine is the component of the propulsion system for an aircraft that generates mechanical power (thrust) that is used to move the aircraft through the air and provides the power for various other functions such as the complete requirements of the vehicle in terms of electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic power for various safety critical subsystems of the vehicle. An aircraft engine is a complex system requiring regular maintenance to ensure flight safety as can be seen from the US Air Force statistics on Aircraft Failure Modes, the engine accounts for the maximum (37%) of the failures under the head ‘Logistics’. Modern aircraft engines incorporate numerous sophisticated devices like sensors for measuring their operating parameters, both in the immediate sense for electronic control of performance and in the longer term, to monitor engine health (Engine Health Monitoring). Multi-Sensor Data Fusion concept can be used to maximize the meaningful information extracted from disparate data sources to obtain enhanced diagnostic and prognostic information regarding the health and condition of the engine. Safety is the utmost priority for the aviation industry so that the aircraft engine must carefully monitored as its failure may cause severe crashes.
Facilities where this techniques is used
Maor mile stones / results of this technique
Literature Survey
Data Collection
Preprocessing the data
Feature extraction