Transfer of “Tapecasting Technology for the Production of Alumina and Zirconia Ceramic Substrates” to M/s. Carborundum Universal Limited (CUMI)
CSIR-NAL has successfully transferred the “Tapecasting Technology for the Production of Alumina and Zirconia Ceramic Substrates” to CUMI on 22nd June 2018 under the Collaborative Research Agreement signed on 10th December 2014. Alumina and zirconia ceramic substrates are in great demand for various applications such as space electronics, oxygen sensors, ceramic heaters and solid oxide fuel cells, which are currently being imported in the country. The Surface Engineering Division (SED) Team rose to the challenge to indigenously develop these ceramic substrates as per the industry standards. SED Team has successfully developed the ceramic substrates with properties exceeding the benchmarked specifications. Recently, CUMI has successfully commissioned an Industrial Scale Tapecasting Facility for the production of ceramic substrates. SED Team is currently interacting closely with CUMI Team for the successful commercialization of the tapecasting technology for various applications.